McCarthy Art Gallery

at Saint Michael’s College

rachel lyons


Apr. 19 - Apr. 25, 2021

Artist Statement:

Everything is about precision, not necessarily something I purposefully act on but more of an unconscious need that shows itself in all of my work. A high level of control is present throughout each decision I make along the process. I resisted using other technologies or methods that might speed the act of making, and instead do each stitch by hand. I carefully draw out exact patterns and choose color combinations and thread textures in order to create a cohesive composition. As much as I attempt to create art more freely, I really need the layout and detail planned with careful thought before continuing. Another trait that I can’t easily escape in my work is that it’s quiet. Choosing to do embroidery, the softness of the materials, the colors I use, the size of the stitches, and the scale of the work all contribute to this quietness. Even in the largest piece, the work holds that same quality. After hearing this reaction about my work for the past three years in school, this show feels like a culmination of engaging and channeling those consistent qualities into a muted yet resonant body of work.