McCarthy Art Gallery

at Saint Michael’s College

Kaela Maclaughlin

"No ticket for entry"

Jan. 18 - Jan. 29 , 2022

*Gallery Reception, Thursday, 1/27, 6-7PM

Artist Statement:

What if everything sweet was secretly creepy? What if everything creepy was secretly sweet? Growing up, fairytales were a part of my childhood. The Disney ones, from Snow White, to Beauty and the Beast. They were happy, colorful, and optimistic, and pretty lies. Why go to all that trouble? Would someone else be terrified between the gap of truth versus niceness? I carried these questions in my brain, again, all the way to my exhibit. No Tickets For Entry, is the title. I have some animation stills lined up on the wall. I have fairytale pictures. I have lots and lots of giant eyes. Who will find them cute? Who will be oddly disturbed? Who will even notice that anything is amiss with those giant shapes and bright hues at all? I wanted to know. So there is no ticket for entry, if I show people these puzzles on my mind.